Tässä tulee pidempi postaus. :)
Kirjoitin aiemmin teeswapeista, jotka lähetin Filippiineille ja Sveitsiin. Itselleni on tullut yksi paketti, toista vielä odottelen.
This will be a longer post. :)
Some time ago I wrote about tea swaps that I sent to the Philippines and Switzerland. I've received one of my packages, the second one I'm still waiting for.
Itävaltalainen kirjekaveri laittoi postikortin lomaltaan.
My Austrian pen pal sent a card from her vacation.
Kirje Saksasta.
A letter from Germany.
"Sticker slap"-swappi, eli kirjekuori koristeltiin tarroilla ja mukaan laitettiin pieni ylläri. Tämän sain jo jokin aika sitten.
"Sticker slap" swap, where an envelope was decorated with stickers and sent with some surprise in it.
I received this a while ago.
Kirjoitin aiemmin teeswapeista, jotka lähetin Filippiineille ja Sveitsiin. Itselleni on tullut yksi paketti, toista vielä odottelen.
This will be a longer post. :)
Some time ago I wrote about tea swaps that I sent to the Philippines and Switzerland. I've received one of my packages, the second one I'm still waiting for.
Tuo Country Peach Passion tee on tosi hyvää. The Contry Peach Passion tea is very good. |
Itävaltalainen kirjekaveri laittoi postikortin lomaltaan.
My Austrian pen pal sent a card from her vacation.
Kirje Saksasta.
A letter from Germany.
Itselläni on samaa lammasteippiä. :) I own the same tape with sheep. :) |
"Sticker slap" swap, where an envelope was decorated with stickers and sent with some surprise in it.
I received this a while ago.
Michigan tunnetaan lapas-osavaltiona. :) Michigan is known as the mitten state. :) |
Kivan erilaisia tarroja. Nice, a bit different, stickers. |
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