Aiemmin pähkäilin uuden kalenterin ostamista, ja nyt Joulun alla sainkin sellaisen hankittua. Stockmannin Akateemisessa Kirjakaupassa vierähti tovi jos toinenkin eri vaihtoehtoja katsastaessa. Lopulta päädyin vaihtoehtoon, jota olen jo parina aiempana vuonna katsastellut. Siinä ei ole kellonaikoja, mutta ajattelin poiketa tavoista ja ostaa puhtaasti ulkonäön perusteella.
Earlier I was pondering on buying a new calendar, and before Christmas I finally got one. It took me a while browsing around in a paper shop. In the end I decided on an option that I have been thinking about for a couple of years now. It has no time of day, but I wanted to try something different and buy a calendar based solely on appearances.
Nyt pääsee kirjoittelemaan menoja, suunnitelmia sun muuta. :)
Now I can start writing plans and other fun stuff. :)
Earlier I was pondering on buying a new calendar, and before Christmas I finally got one. It took me a while browsing around in a paper shop. In the end I decided on an option that I have been thinking about for a couple of years now. It has no time of day, but I wanted to try something different and buy a calendar based solely on appearances.
Nyt pääsee kirjoittelemaan menoja, suunnitelmia sun muuta. :)
Now I can start writing plans and other fun stuff. :)